Matrix Repatterning

What is Matrix Repatterning?
Matrix Repatterning is a form of manual (hands-on) therapy, which is applied to the deeper, denser parts of the body, such as the skeletal framework (bone) and the dense fibrous tissues (fascia) associated with the internal core structures. Areas of injury and strain may be precisely located based on an alteration in the mechanical and electrical properties within these tissues. Treatment involves the application of gentle pressure to release tissue tension, which can facilitate the restoration of muscle tone, flexibility, joint mobility and optimal biomechanical function. Matrix Repatterning has been able to demonstrate measurable success in the treatment of certain structural and functional disorders, such as:
- Back Pain
- Neck and Shoulder Pain
- Knee Pain, Hip Pain
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
- Headaches, Concussion
- TMJ Disorder
- Pelvic Disorders, Incontinence
- Snoring and Sleep Apnea
Dr. Kathi has recently become one of an elite few in the United States to receive this certification after a year of intense study and testing. Dr. Kathi is now able to use the initials of CMRP—Certified Matrix Repatterning Practitioner.
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Health By Hands Wellness Center
12619 FM917 Suite A
Alvarado, TX 76009
(817) 930-0600